Friday, May 18, 2018

Extremest hate towards the US

Today we know about many extremists like Osama bin laden who was the leader Al-Qaeda found their hate for world super powers who were to big and strong for their own good. Many Muslims fought against the soviet union during the cold war and had support from the US. They didn't like the soviet union expanding in such a way and after the soviet union fell the last super power left was the US. The US was supporting Israel very heavily and had participated in many external conflicts. People like bin laden did not like Israel for being Jewish and keeping the holy land away from Muslims, he also doesn't like how the US is involved in world wide conflicts. He also believed that Americans are infidels, they were not following Islam and their way of life is toxic. This hate builded up and after the US declares war on terror generations after generations of Muslims had hate towards the US for their involvement in the middle east and killing of their people.

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