Friday, March 16, 2018

Executive order 9066

The bombing of Pearl Harbor is said to be the reason why the US joined WWII, and it caused a lot of security problems within the US. With many Japanese living on the west coast and Hawaii, there was a great chance for them to be spying on the US. Indeed there was a spy who helped Japan with the Pearl Harbor bombing. Killing thousands of people, Japan brought the Americans into the war. This caused chaos in the US with President Franklin D. Roosevelt protecting their security and signing Executive Order 9066. This caused the majority of the Japanese Americans of all ages to be removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. They then lost all of their homes and could only take what they can carry. When they returned after the 3 years, most of their homes were gone and they suffered from many prejudices. Living in the camps were harsh because they were placed in open areas where there weren't many supplies for them to live off of. It was one of the most harsh violations of the American civil rights of the 20th century. It affected over 100,000 people who were mostly American citizens and born here in America. What other events were violations of American civil rights during this time period?

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